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What Are you Doing to Maximize Your Spinal Health? Learn the Power of a Chiropractic Adjustment

Many fields, including Chiropractic and Medicine, have shown that spinal misalignments (subluxations) can create visceral disease and immune dysfunction. A major medical study showed this link in 2004.
The controlled study focused on:

  • Vertebral correction treatment to reduce vertebral misalignments in patients with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma.
  • The different connections between visceral and immune dysfunction and vertebral deformities.

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Improve Skin Conditions

Among 120 atopic dermatitis patients who received spinal correction treatments every day, 106 (88%) showed improvement in skin itching and 86 (72%) showed improvement in skin condition. Among 240 atopic dermatitis patients who did not receive spinal correction treatments every day, we could not obtain a sure treatment effect.

There was over a 70% improvement in allergic diseases. We found that subluxation is a common and characteristic finding in patients with atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

According to the results of this study, the possibility may be considered that chronic nerve compression secondary to vertebral deformity in the thoracic region had a significant effect on the immune function of atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma patients. The adrenal cortex functions of these allergy patients may be in the chronic decline condition with this chronic nerve compression.

The Devastating Effects of Vertebral Subluxation

To understand the devastating effects of a Vertebral Subluxation and the Power of a Chiropractic Adjustment, you must understand adaptive physiology. When your body goes into a “Fight or Flight” response due to a stressor (bear jumping out at you, hearing about a tragedy, etc.), your body will respond accordingly.

The first thing that happens is that your blood pressure, heart rate, blood clotting factors, blood fat, LDL cholesterol, insulin, and glucose go UP so you can adapt to your environment adequately. Your cell-mediated immune system weakens, along with your sex hormone binding globulin resulting in a higher level of circulating sex hormones in your blood. This leads to cancers, colds, influenza, and other infections.

The #1 risk factor in determining whether or not you will get a site-specific cancer is by the amount of sex hormones you have in your blood. Your body decreases serotonin which downregulates learning and up-regulates anxiety and fear centers in the brain so you can react to the stressor more effectively; however, this leads to increased anxiety, fear, depression, and learning and attention deficits. This response is called adaptive physiology.

These are all great things when you are being chased by a bear but not when they are happening all day, every day and you’re trying to live an abundant health-filled life!

The Power of Chiropractic Adjustment

Movement of the spine creates stimulation of proprioceptors in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and discs. Proprioception and mechanoreception are essential nutrients for balance and health of the brain and the entire mind and body.

When a human has a Vertebral Subluxation, proprioception is diminished which is recognized by the body as a stressor eliciting the stress response, putting the body into adaptive physiology. If it is not removed it stays there chronically.

If you look at over 95% of chronic illnesses, they are all the result of chronic adaptive physiology due to a stressor:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic pain
  • Obesity
  • Heart disease
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Infertility
  • Decreased libido
  • Insomnia
  • Acid reflux
  • Constipation
  • Auto-immune issues
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia

Tapio Videman, M.D. published in Clinical Biomechanics 1987, proved that when Immobilization occurs (Subluxation) in a joint and remains there for more than 10-15 days, that joint begins to degenerate. A prospective study from “The Journal of American Geriatrics Society” 2004 proved that “Participants with hyperkyphotic posture had a significant, 2.4 times greater rate of death.”

Improve Your Posture To Live Longer

Reversing or stopping hyperkyphosis equals reversing or stopping death – according to the medical data! The conclusion of one of the most prominent up to date studies proving what Subluxation is and does and that it is not associated with pain most of the time, was a study out of Clinical Neurophysiology in 2007. This study proved that areas of reduced or restricted spinal motion cause spinal degeneration and changes in neurological communication between the brain and body. This medical fact is termed the Vertebral Subluxation Complex by Chiropractors.

The study revealed that Vertebral Subluxation can be present without pain or with pain, and that getting rid of them requires a professional trained in detecting and correcting them much like a dentist does with symptomatic or asymptomatic cavities. Preventing them requires improving spinal range of motion and postural exercises!

Where Does Vertebral Subluxation Complex Come From?

Now the question could be, “where do they come from?” Just to make sure you know, according to science, all humans that go through the birth experience are likely to have subluxation. Recent research commissioned by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) reveals that 32% of us spend over 10 hours sitting down every day, adding up to an amazing 32 years and 4 months of our lives.

On average, we spend 16 hours awake per day and 9.4 million of us spend over 75% of our waking day sitting. 59% of the working population sit down all day at work, nearly 50% of those who work refuse to leave their desks, even for lunch!

What do people do after work?  62% spend most of their evenings on their “behinds”.

Children Are Also At Risk of Developing Vertebral Subluxation Complex

“The typical classroom desk is uncomfortable and rigid and one size has to fit all students. In addition, students have to lean forward in the seat to take lecture notes.” Another study out of Cornell University and published in Computers in Schools found the following: Children in elementary schools are at risk from sitting at improper workstations that have been designed with little or no regard for musculoskeletal development and this has implication for health problems. Sitting for more than short periods increase the risk for injury.

Children’s developing musculoskeletal structures are especially vulnerable to postural trauma. Sitting not only causes Vertebral Subluxation Complex, it results in a lack of regular full spinal motion that is required to recover from the falls and accidents of normal daily life.

The stressors associated with living in industrial society make it virtually impossible to avoid Vertebral Subluxation Complex without regular chiropractic care just like it is virtually impossible to avoid dental cavities without brushing and flossing your teeth.

Prolonged Sitting Is One of The Most Detrimental Positions To Spinal Health

Sitting is to your spine what sugar is to your teeth. We have no genetic defense against sitting. We are genetically programmed for constant movement. And this is just a small part of the research that has been done. According to the gold standard of all health care delivered in our world (research), no other healthcare delivery system has what we have. That’s a fact.

Therefore, you and your family need lifetime wellness care and can benefit from the 5 Essentials of Max Living year after year! Who in your family still has not been checked for subluxation?

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