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How Balanced Hormones Speed Weight Loss In Men

why men should balance their hormones to lose weight

June is Men’s Health Month and here at New Life Chiropractic we are dedicated to informing and inspiring men to live a happy and healthy life.

Hormones and Weight Loss in Men

A new study finds that as men age they are likely to experience hormone-related conditions similar to females going through menopause. The hormone imbalance is linked to:

  • Unwanted weight gain
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • and other chronic diseases.

In the study, hormone-deficient men who were given testosterone experienced long-term sustainable weight loss.

What Is Testosterone Used For?

Testosterone is a hormone that is found in the body that primarily differentiates male physical characteristics compared to females.  This naturally occurring hormone is used in the production and growth of lean muscle and is utilized in the burning of fat.

The study that was announced at the European Congress on Obesity demonstrated that taking testosterone supplements caused significant weight loss. This does not mean all men should go out and get testosterone supplements!

Professor Richard Sharpe from the University of Edinburgh Centre for Reproductive Health said:

It is far more sensible and safer for men to reduce their food intake, reduce their obesity, which will then elevate their own testosterone.

The Problems Caused by Testosterone Imbalance

Testosterone imbalance will impact numerous bodily systems creating unwanted health conditions to develop over time. Many health experts have linked low testosterone to numerous symptoms that include poor sleep habits, poor concentration, depression, and anxiety.  These symptoms indicate a greater concern that includes poor or inadequate healing and lack of physical activity.

The relationship between obesity and testosterone appears to be a vicious cycle. One of the primary indicators of diabetes, mortality risk, and overall longevity is one’s waist circumference and blood pressure.

Dr Farid Saad, lead author of the study said:

When we analyzed the data we found that every year, for five years, they had lost weight. It may be that the increased testosterone restored their energy levels and led to a behavioral change of being more physically active.

How Exercise Increases Testosterone Levels

One of the most powerful ways to raise natural testosterone levels is exercise.  As we age, we commonly become less physically active and exercise less.  This is the primary link to the development of hormonal imbalances over time.

Exercise is not commonly described as fun especially if a person is currently overweight or experiencing health conditions.  Prevention and accepting overall responsibility for your health are the primary ways of not developing most health conditions, decreased testosterone, and obesity.  Regardless of your age, we will describe the best forms of exercise for testosterone production that are fun, sustainable and result-oriented.

There are two forms of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic.  Simply those two terms mean “with oxygen” and “without oxygen”.

The type of exercise that utilizes large amounts of oxygen includes walking, jogging, running, biking, and any form of exercise that is 15 minutes or more in duration.

“Without oxygen” exercises are higher intensity and shorter duration exercises that will create a different health response in the body. “With oxygen” exercises are good for your heart and circulation but overall bad for your body.

Low-Intensity Exercise

Low-intensity, long-duration exercises such as jogging will lower resting heart rate and decrease blood pressure but will cause an increase in stress hormones.  Stress hormones such as cortisol will stimulate appetite, increase fat storing, slow recovery from exercise, and are catabolic (breaks down muscle). This form of exercise also reduces testosterone and human growth hormone which is necessary for building lean muscle and improves fat burning. “With oxygen” exercises have also been found to decrease one’s immune function post-exercise.

High-Intensity Exercise

“Without oxygen” exercises that are higher in intensity and shorter in duration have a very different effect on the body’s physiology and hormone response.  When this form of exercise is applied properly, it is not only good for your heart and circulation but also your body.

Human growth hormone and testosterone are released in the body in direct proportion to the intensity of the exercise.  Human growth hormone is a hormone that builds lean muscle and burns fat.  If you desire to lose weight in and around the muscles and organs – high-intensity exercise is the best form.

One of the best characteristics of high-intensity, short-duration exercise is that it builds muscle.  Muscle has an increase in metabolic activity compared to fat and will fend off weight gain.  It’s the amount of muscle – not age, gender or genetics that is the greatest determining factor for metabolism, future muscle development, and fat loss.

Simple High-Intensity Exercise Example

An example of high-intensity exercise would be:

  • Twenty seconds of full-on exercise to get your heart rate up.
  • Twenty seconds of rest.
  • Repeat three times per exercise.
  • Take a one-minute break in between the different exercises.
  • Lower and upper body exercises should be done on different days.
  • Do a minimum of four times per week.

This form of exercise saves time, saves money, gets you fit, and restores your health. For more information go to to get an entire high-intensity workout plan.  This is 1 piece of the puzzle, to be truly healthy you must be functioning at the highest level on all 5 Essentials of Health.

June is Men’s Health Month

Check out the Father’s Day Men’s Health special this week.

Friends & Family Week is this week for all those who want to live a better life. Only $40 ($199 value) for the New Patient Health Evaluation.