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How To Stay on Track With Your Health During the Busy Summer Months

If your life is anything like mine, there are times of transition where it is simple to fall off track with health and many non-urgent yet important areas of life. When pressing issues come up that are urgent, it seems that there is not enough time to work out, to eat right, to make appointments, to take personal relaxation time and as a result life becomes stressful.

How Summer Schedules Get Your Self Care Routine Off Track

Summer is still in full swing. Kids are out of school, vacations are coming up, schedules have changed, life is still a little hectic. We have all been there when it just seems like there is not enough time in the day and you are constantly being asked to do more with less!

I have experienced this at times in my own life and I know how easy it is to get off track:

  • Just miss a workout here or there
  • Say “I will make up my adjustment next week”
  • Think, I will get back on track next month….

You always have the best intention in mind.

I have found that it is easy to get off track, but more difficult to get back on routine. That is why my best recommendation is to stay committed to your health plan and be even more engaged at this time to enjoy summer at your optimum health potential.

What Does It Mean To Stay On Track with Self Care?

  • Make sure we have the correct days and time for all of your adjustments.
  • Are you scheduling and planning your home care?
  • Are you scheduling and planning your workouts, nutrition, personal time?
  • Are you engaging in the 5 Essentials of Max Living?

What Can You Do To Get More Engaged?

Ask yourself:

  • Which areas of the 5 Essentials am I missing?
  • Where do I want my life to be in 1, 5, 10, 20 years and what am I doing to get there, TODAY?

We are here to help you get the most out of your care and live an amazing life, naturally! Now is the time to get re-engaged, to make your health a priority for the whole family and to invest in your future. When you do these things and you make it a regular habit, your life will be better in every way and you will be able to handle the busy stresses of life.

Stay on track this summer by letting us know if you will be gone on vacation or if we need to make any changes to your schedule. We are here to help find SOLUTIONS to make sure your chiropractic care stays on track that keeps you moving toward your health and further away from sickness!

Don’t Let Your Spine Degenerate Due to Lack of Care

The research clearly shows that within just 14 days of subluxation without an adjustment, irreversible degeneration and damage begins in the spine and nervous system. Every day you go beyond this, you are creating even more damage to the most important vital system in your body.

That is why we take your schedule so seriously because subluxation is the most dangerous health condition due to the fact that it is the cause of dysfunction and disease in your body. Whether you feel it or not subluxation affects your health every day, which is why correction and wellness maintenance is so vital to greater health.

Your Quality of Your Life and Health Depend on the Functioning of Your Nervous System!

The more you know about how your body works and take control of your health, the better outcomes you will get.

  • Want to make sure you are never getting sick?
  • Want to be proactive with your family’s health rather than reactive?

The great news is that your body is a self-healing organism that wants to be healthy.  If you are not experiencing absolute health, it is because there is interference blocking that God given healing power within you.  We are here to remove that interference!

Our office exists to help people eliminate unnecessary suffering, prevent and reverse disease and help families live a better life.

What can you do to get more engaged this week? There are so many opportunities, and we are always here to help and serve you and your entire family. Let’s work together to reach the unreached and get to those who need to be saved. Let’s take health to the next level and beyond and watch how amazing your life becomes. Get yourself committed and tell others about how they can change their health as well.

You will not want to miss the opportunity to Get Better Results Faster!! Sign up for the Better Results Faster Workshop Thursday 6/29/23 at 6:45 pm.