According to the American Heart Health Association, 95% of the time the cause of high blood pressure is unknown. But, they’re just not looking at the right place. We do know a lot of its causes.
A lot of times your doctor will say:
Well, we don’t know what’s causing your high blood pressure.
Then, once you are diagnosed, your doctor will want to prescribe medication.
According to a recent report in the Journal of American Medical Association, hypertension should be treated with medications only if the patient’s systolic pressure is above 150. This is an increase of 10 points above the previous recommendation.
The report is based on an analyses of over 30 years of clinical studies which showed that lowering below 150 over 90 does not offer any additional benefits in reducing the risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke. So, for 30 years basically, doctors have been prescribing medications to people that did nothing (those that had a systolic pressure between 140 and 150).
Now, if you’re 190 or 200 or something higher than that, that’s an acute condition. We got to fix that, but that ten points represented over a million people that didn’t need to be on medication and were exposed to the side effects for no reason.
The Most Common Side Effects of Blood Pressure Medication
- Weakness
- Erection problems
- Cold feet
- Depression
- Skin rashes
- Dizziness
- Constipation
- Headaches
- Irregular heartbeat
- Swollen ankles.
Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, we hope you enjoyed this short clip from our recent Heart health event. At the full event, tackled the biggest killer in the United States today…
Dr. Tim sifted through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to keep the strongest muscle in your body working for you. Enjoy all 12 clips from the series and learn how to Change the Stats for Good.