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What is Regenerative Health Therapy? [Video FAQ]

Today I want to talk to you about a very exciting opportunity that we just started doing here in the office. What we’re starting to do is regenerative health therapy. So for many people, they’ve had damage to their body over time, damage to joints. Maybe that’s a knee or an ankle, a hip, wrist, elbows, shoulders.

I know for myself, I’ve been an athlete, active person, my whole life. I’ve had a ton of injuries. Sometimes you have injuries to the point where your body’s not able to fully heal itself. So it starts the process of degeneration.

How Regenerative Therapies Rebuild Your Body

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Prefer to read? Here ‘s the gist of what else Dr. Tim spoke about in this video clip.

What is Degeneration?

Degeneration is where your body is breaking down tissue faster than it’s building back up. This is what leads to arthritis, chronic inflammation, inflammatory conditions, such as tendonitis, bursitis, and chronic pain. Many of you maybe have experienced this.

  • pain in the knee
  • pain in the shoulder
  • pain in the elbow
  • pain that just doesn’t seem to go away.

Typical Solutions for Degeneration

Now, things that are typically used for these is going to be anti-inflammatory. So that could be medications or natural solutions which helps reduce the inflammation, but doesn’t really affect the cause.

Anti-Inflammatory Injections

The next thing that is very common is to get injections. Now these injections will be steroid injections, epidural injections, and nerve blocks that are injected into the joints, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. But again, that’s just a temporary relief of symptoms treating the effect, not really affecting cause.

In fact, those injections actually speed up the degeneration process in advanced arthritis, faster. It’s even been shown to weaken the skeletal system, make you more likely for fracture and future injuries. That’s why you always want to limit injections as much as possible as a temporary last resort solution at best.

Surgical Repair of Damaged Joints

The next thing for damaged joints typically is surgery, where they’ll go in and they’ll actually surgically repair some type of a damage. For some people surgery is the only option, but many times is not necessary or can be prevented or pushed back many years.

The Regenerative Therapy Alternative

That’s where regenerative therapy comes in. Regenerative therapy is actually natural processes to help your body start rebuilding itself. And the biggest form of regenerative therapy that is advancing technology right now is stem cell therapy.

What stem cell therapy is, is basically a blank cell therapy that can be injected at any joint in your body that helps rebuild damaged tissue. You can rebuild cartilage, you can rebuild skin and bone and connective tissue through this natural process.

Many people find that they not only feel better, but they actually function better!

This is something we started offering here in our office with our partnership with TruHealth regenerative therapy. This is an amazing technology, something that I’ve already done for myself in my shoulders cause I’ve had many years of damage.

We’ve already worked with patients with long-term knee and shoulder issues to the point where sometimes you’re not able to enjoy life like you want to. Basically the process is:

  1. We sit down and we go through are you a good candidate or not?
  2. Do a physical exam.
  3. We may do some, x-rays.
  4. Ask some specific questions and see if you’re someone who could benefit from this amazing technology to help your body rebuild itself and start to reverse the degenerative and aging process that’s currently happening and to get your quality of life back and allow you to do the things that you want to do.

So I wanted to introduce to you what this is, how it works, and that this is a great resource where you can come in and learn more. The best way to learn more is to contact our office through Gmail, which is We’d be happy to follow through with you.

If you’re a patient in the office, ask us questions on when we have our next upcoming stem cell workshop in the office and when you can do your evaluation. I’d be happy to share with you more about this amazing technology and how it’s helping so many people get their quality of life back, prevent medications, injections, and surgeries, and help you live a better life.