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No More Hip or Back Pain - Customer Testimonial

Ms. Blair shares her testimonial and review of New Life Chiropractic. She experienced relief from neck, hip and back pain caused from sitting behind a desk for 8 years and having a horrible fall when she was pregnant.

She didn’t have much faith in chiropractic care because she had limited success with other doctors of chiropractic. After seeing Dr. Tim Smith at New Life Chiropractic, she feels like a whole new person!

She has experienced:
– Freedom of movement in her neck.
– Improved sleep
– Ability to exercise with no pain

Her x-rays have given her proof that her chiropractic adjustments are working.

Do you want to experience similar life changing results?

Call (916) 259-2682 for an appointment or visit our website for our New Patient Chiropractic Exam or Consultation Special Offer.