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10 Natural Detox Strategies That Will Speed Up Weight Loss

mother daughter cookingWe have become exposed to an increasing number of chemicals in our food supply, the air we breathe, and through many common items we use daily, including cosmetics and household cleaners. Among their potentially adverse effects, these chemicals can build up in our system and stall weight loss.

The Detoxification Process

Detoxification starts in your liver. While it’s a complicated process, your liver essentially does this in two phases.

  1. First, it converts toxic substances to highly reactive metabolites and then excretes these toxins.
  2. Your kidneys, lungs, and even gut also play a role in detoxification.

Toxins can impact these organs both acutely and cumulatively. More dangerous are the persistent, low-grade toxins such as residue you consume regularly in conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. Reactions aren’t immediate, and you might not see the connection between chronic low-grade toxicity and your struggle with weight loss.

10 Natural Detox Methods

Whereas a healthy body can optimally detoxify, so many things we confront daily will cause those toxins to accumulate, overwhelming your body’s defenses. Here are 10 natural ways to get rid of toxins:

1. Eat the right foods

Copious studies show whole foods including cruciferous vegetables, berries, garlic, and spices like turmeric can help your body detoxify through various pathways. Paired with protein and quality fat, whole foods create an optimal food plan to detoxify and lose weight. Go for organic plant foods and the highest-quality animal foods whenever possible.

2. Support your gut

Gastrointestinal issues will create or exacerbate a faulty detoxification system. Improving your digestive system requires removing obstacles that create dysbiosis (gut imbalances) and other problems, but also incorporating the right gut-supporting foods and nutrients. We can help guide you through a gut repair protocol.

3. Reduce inflammation

Toxicity contributes to inflammation, which leads to a heavier toxic load, stalling fat loss in the bargain. An anti-inflammatory diet includes wild-caught seafood, plant foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids including flaxseed and chia seeds, lots of non-starchy vegetables, and spices including turmeric. Ask us how to incorporate anti-inflammatory nutrients including fish oil, krill oil, resveratrol, and curcumin into your diet.

4. Support your immune system

At a minimum, ensure you eat well, get good sleep, manage stress levels, practice good hygiene like washing your hands regularly, and get the right nutrients that support optimal immunity.

5. Supplement your natural detoxification program twice a year

While your cells constantly detoxify, consider doing a more formal detox as a spring (or fall) full-body cleanse. Our Detox System provides all the nutrient support you need to keep your natural cellular and body detoxification in peak, all in one convenient package.

6. Minimize exposure

Prevention is always your first line of both offense and defense. Avoid household cleaners, building materials, plastics, processed foods, and other places toxins linger. A good place to start is with the Environmental Working Group (EWG), which provides a wealth of information including identifying toxins in your life.

7. Drink plenty of clean water

Hydration keeps your cellular machinery at peak performance, detoxing optimally along with its numerous other functions. Always aim for properly filtered water to avoid added toxins.

8. Sweat out your toxins

Among its benefits, exercise can help your body better excrete toxins and burn fat more effectively. Whether that involves hot yoga or high-intensity interval training, find a consistent workout plan that fits your preference and schedule.

9. Get good sleep

Several years ago, scientists discovered a brain detoxification process called the glymphatic system that occurs when you sleep. According to Andy R. Eugene and Jolanta Masiak, insufficient sleep impairs your glymphatic system, causing toxic buildup. Without quality sleep in the right amounts consistently, your body cannot effectively detoxify.

10. Visit a chiropractor

Chiropractic adjustments impact the nervous system, which controls all metabolic pathways, including detoxification pathways. Getting adjusted will free your body to optimally detoxify and perform at its peak level.

Want to learn more about minimizing the effects of TOXICITY?

Sign up for the Chemical Combat Workshop on Tuesday 4/9/24 at 6 p.m.