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I can play with my kids. I can walk, run, and jump with no pain.

I started having a terrible pain down my left leg. It was so bad that I cried some days. I never take painkillers but I began to take them every four hours for weeks. I went to the doctor and she sent me to a physical therapist which explained why I was having this pain. She said my nerves were being pressed. She showed me exercises which could strengthen my back. I have twin two year olds and a three year old. I love playing with them but when I was in pain, I could not lift them, run with them or even make projects with them. I was referred to New Life Chiropractic by a co-worker who was a patient of theirs.  Chiropractic has greatly improved my life. I can play with my kids. I can walk, run, and jump with no pain.  I have lost 15 pounds in just two months.  Everyone at the office is very friendly and helpful.  The New Life Chiropractic team is very encouraging. They remind me of the 5 Essentials each visit, which is something I need with my hectic lifestyle.