Many North Americans consider the holidays to be three full months during which excess is the status quo. The fact is, the holidays are composed of only a few days, and the stereotypes of stressful shopping, neglected exercise and overeating account for many of the health issues people experience.
Did you know that you could actually build health and get in shape while the holidays are still in full swing?
This is the time when most people completely lost sight of their health and spend the next year playing catch up. In fact, 80% of weight gain for the year can be attributed to the holiday season.
8 Tips to Supercharge Your Health During the Holiday Season
- Spend time moving your body daily during this Holiday season. Our bodies were created to MOVE.
- Replace your cleaning products with non-toxic products, i.e. Seventh Generation or Green Wise.
- Take a closer look at your personal care products: antifreeze and SLS are found in the majorly of your products.
- Replace your Teflon pans/pots with ceramic, stainless steel or cast iron.
- Drink only filtered, high pH, non-chlorinated water.
- Change your filters and investigate your home/work/school for sick building syndrome – MOLD causes allergies and asthma.
- Do your research on vaccines – most contain mercury, aluminum, benzene, formaldehyde, aborted fetal cells, etc. Studies have linked these chemicals to learning disabilities, autism and chronic sickness.
- Lastly, medications: there is no safe med; every medication has a listed/proven side effect. Replace your medications with supplements or healthy food.
Does Winter = Colds & Flu?
The holiday season also means that we are officially entering winter. There is less exposure to the sun, the stress of the holidays is increasing, the weather is colder and this is the time when people get sick most often.
Instead of getting the flu shot or missing days from work or school this season lets make sure your nervous system and immune system are functioning at your God-given health potential. Research shows that with spinal adjustments your immune system is up to 400% stronger. The strength of your immune system is directly proportional to the strength of your nerve system.
Here at New Life Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping you stay healthy through the holidays and helping you stay on track with adjustments so your body will continue to heal. Here are some important tips to help you stay on track and some reminders to make your appointments more effective:
1. Appointments
Appointments are for you not for us. By having an appointment and being on time for that appointment, it reduces wait times for you and others and keeps you on track with corrective care and progress evaluations. Therefore, please let us know if you will be early or late, if you have to reschedule an appointment or if you will be out of town so we can reschedule those visits for you.
Also, plan on the office being closed for Thanksgiving 11/26-11/27, Christmas 12/24 – 12/25 and New Years Day, January 1st. It is imperative this time of year that you don’t miss even a single visit to be at your best!
2. Commit to Total Care
Programs, classes, resources, and exercises are for you! Making your adjustments, doing your exercises, and engaging in the classes is what will create health and what will help you achieve and exceed all of your health goals.
If you are not coming to the classes, if you are missing adjustments, if you are not following your home care exercises, then you are not taking full advantage of your care in the office and will not see the maximum benefits. Please let us know what we can do to help you, we are here to serve you.
3. Are you Feeling Sick or Sore?
This is the time to focus on small improvements in all areas of the Max Living 5 Essentials to strengthen your immune system. Remember, Chiropractic adjustments boost your immune function by up to 200% and will drastically help your body overcome stress around you.
Also, if you ever have any type of flare-up you do not have to wait until your next adjustment. Call us and we will remove the interference to your nervous system ASAP to get your body healing faster. Let’s be proactive this season, build health instead of fearing disease!
Your Team at New Life Chiropractic is Here to Help You Maximize the 5 Essentials
Friends & Family Discount 11/9-11/20 to help your loved ones!
$40 donation covers the entire health evaluation.