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Make 2024 Your Healthiest Year Ever!

exercise plankDo you want to make 2024 your healthiest and best year ever? There’s No More Time to Waste.

How many times have you tried to change things? How many years have passed, and with them, your dreams of a healthy and vibrant life? Most diseases are preventable, yet only 8% of people achieve their stated health goals for the year.

It is imperative that you make this year different if you want to be part of that 8%. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 69% of adults age 20 years and over are either overweight or obese, so it’s no wonder that 42% of all New Year’s Resolutions are weight loss related.

So what hinders your success?

Experts say that the average American has too many competing priorities. To set yourself up for success, keep your goals simple. Creating a detailed plan on how to tackle excuses will also help you reach your desired outcome. Eating healthier, working out more, or losing weight isn’t just something you stumble into blindly. You need to have a blueprint for victory!

At the Vitality Health Makeover on February 10th, we will show you exactly how to set a plan and follow through, so you are successful this year!

Health That Lasts a Lifetime

Researchers have discovered that health that lasts a lifetime depends on the presence and effectiveness of the human body’s vital hormones. In today’s society, low-quality foods cause the overproduction and burnout of these hormones, making weight loss nearly impossible—regardless of caloric intake.

Maybe you don’t need to lose weight, but you want to overcome a health issue.  Or do you want to have more energy, sleep better, get off medications, and live a better life?

The Vitality Health Makeover

At the Vitality Health Makeover, there will be a 30-day health challenge that will help you get there and massively increase your likelihood of exceeding your goals and resolutions this year.

  • Replace your aggravation with motivation.
  • Learn why your resolutions keep duping you, and how to conquer self-limiting beliefs.
  • Get the plan, challenge, and support you need, so that by this time next year you won’t still be saying “next year it’ll be different.”

This is an entirely different type of health challenge that utilizes the principles of several nutrition concepts proven to reset the immune system, re-balance hormones, and drastically reduce inflammation!

We will cover simple and advanced nutrition plans and how healthy fat helps you burn fat and get healthier. Even though the challenge will not be easy to complete, you will definitely see that the amazing results were worth it in the end.

When you get through the full 30 days:

  • your body will be an efficient fat-burning machine
  • you will have increased energy
  • your body will be fighting sickness better than it ever has!

The word ‘resolution’ actually means ‘fixed purpose.’  Yet, with nearly all resolutions ending by February, now is the best time to invest in yourself. We love and appreciate everyone in our office, we care about your health and the health of your family! This is WHY we would love to see everyone at this event so you can have what you need to be successful this year, so get signed up, get committed, and watch your health transform this year!!!

Your Health Challenge Starts Now!

Join us for the Vitality Makeover on 2/10/24.