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Health Differences Between Men & Women

Men and women are very much alike in many ways. However, a few key nutrient and health differences separate us. That is why it is important to understand the health conditions and different lifestyle approaches to keep both men and women at all ages healthy and getting the correct health needs met to prevent any health issues.

In this newsletter you will learn just 3 of those differences.

Vitamins and Mineral Needs

  • Calcium. For women, a higher-calcium diet can support bone health and prevent osteoporosis. For men, on the other hand, too much calcium could contribute to prostate cancer.
  • Iron. Pre-menopausal women lose iron during their menstrual period every month. That’s why the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is higher for premenopausal women (18 mg a day) than for men (8 mg). Everyone—men and women—should avoid excess iron, which can trigger dangerous free radicals.
  • Selenium. This mineral could potentially reduce the risk for prostate cancer, leading some experts to recommend 200 micrograms a day for men (about four times above the RDA).

Nutrient Needs during Pivotal Times

Females have specific nutrient needs during pregnancy and other important life changes. Women have a higher risk for osteoporosis during menopause, for instance, which increases the demand for certain nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.

Conditions that Impact Men and Women Differently

  • Thyroid issues. One in eight women will develop thyroid problems during her lifetime, and females are five to eight times more likely than males to have thyroid problems. A few symptoms are unique among men: Low sperm count, loss of muscle mass, and erectile dysfunction.
  • Osteoporosis. When estrogen levels drop during menopause, bone loss can occur (since estrogen protects your bone) and your chance for osteoporosis increases. That helps explain why about 80 percent of the estimated 10 million Americans with osteoporosis are women. After age 50, about one in two women will break a bone because of osteoporosis. Men are also at risk, especially as they age. After age 50, about one in four males can break a bone due to osteoporosis.
  • Heart disease. For women, heart disease develops seven to 10 years later. That doesn’t make it any less dangerous: Heart disease is still the major cause of death in women (especially after 65). Menopause, characterized by metabolic changes, like weight gain, can especially increase a woman’s risk for heart problems.
  • Depression. Women are nearly twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression, which can occur at any age including after pregnancy or during menopause. Studies show starting at puberty, young females have the greatest risk for major depression and mental disorders. Depression can manifest as many symptoms, including sadness or other unpleasant feelings. Men also suffer from depression, yet research shows they are less likely to recognize, talk about, and seek treatment.

Workshop: Mars Vs Venus” All About Men and Women’s Health

There is so much more to know about the health difference of men and women, which is why we are hosting a complete workshop on the health needs of men and women in May. If you want to be at your best, prevent issues and work toward your optimal health potential as a person you will want to join us for this unique event. This is part of your care in the office and essential for everyone to attend!

Want to Learn More?

May 18th 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Register at

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