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You Are Doing Better Than You Think You Are

I just felt like some of you needed a little encouragement into your life today. To let you know you are doing better than you think you are!

In a world with people starving today, people dealing with more disease than ever and on more medications than ever, people going bankrupt because they lost their health, marriages breaking down, and people stressed because of an election.

Look at your life… Look what God has blessed you with.

  • Think about the fact that you have a job.
  • Think about the fact that you have children and a family that loves you.
  • Think about the fact that you have a house, a car, an iPad, etc.

YOU are doing better than you think! If you are feeling stressed or depressed it probably means you are spending too much time assessing other peoples assessment of yourself.  Happiness is living in the present rather than the past or some idea of the future.

Tapping Into the Power Inside Yourself

Being a Max Living patient means YOU are doing better than you think! You get to be in an office and have a team to help you understand and deliver the true POWER that is in you. You are called to do something great in this life and our only purpose in being here is to help you achieve that greatness.

We want you to be capable of completing your calling. That is why we would NEVER just hand you a pill to cover your symptoms because that would guarantee you loss of health!

We would never just treat your symptoms, we correct the cause!

Being a here means you understand that there is a power inside you that heals you and keeps you well. When you cut your finger YOUR BODY heals it!

Your heart is beating right now because that power is telling it to! You don’t even have to think and all 76 trillion cells and 70+ organs run flawlessly! That is POWER!!

Don’t Turn Off Your Power!

Most people in the US take medications daily. That works against the power.

Most people in America don’t take healthy whole food supplements. That works against the power.

Most people in America eat food from a window, a package or a can. That goes against the power.

Most people in America wait to get sick before taking action. That goes against the power.

[bctt tweet=”You Are Doing Better Than You Think You Are” username=”newlifechiro”]

Keep Your Power On

If you are making all your adjustments and doing home care each week. You are doing better than you think!

If you have changed your personal care and cleaning products. You are doing better than you think!

If you take Max Living supplements daily. You are doing better than you think!

If you are doing MaxT3 exercise at least 3x/wk. You are doing better than you think!

If you’ve lost weight since starting here. You are doing better than you think!

If you are off a medication since starting here. You are doing better than you think!

If you come get adjusted the day you don’t feel good or are “sick.” You are doing better than you think!

Don’t Stop Getting Better! Just Keep Building Health!

  1. Join us for Patient Appreciation Week and share the Max Living Principles with your friends and family so that they too can live a healthy life naturally!
  2. Turn your power on! Make up last week’s adjustments, add extra adjustments and commit to staying on track with your home care this month!!
  3. Focus on adding one change in each area of the 5 Essentials this month!
  4. Just know… you are doing better than you think!