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COVID-19 Office Protocol

*Updated 10/16/20

With the growing concern about COVID-19, I want to continue to share my thoughts with all of you and update you about your care in our office during this challenging time. We have been working around the clock to ensure we are making the right ones to protect our practice members (and our own families). We will continue to comply with all Government recommendations.

Chiropractic Care is an Essential Health Care Service

While many patients see us for their spinal issues and wellness, we also have hundreds of patients depending on us solely to maintain their health in regard to high blood pressure, immune system issues, headaches, ear infections, acid reflux, allergies, digestive issues, headaches, thyroid issues, etc. In addition, many of our patients have been able to come off highly addictive opioid medications for pain and it is essential we are there for them at this time.

As an Essential Health Care Service, New Life Chiropractic will remain open and continue to be part of the solution to ensure our patients are not consuming important medical resources which should be reserved for COVID-19 severe cases.

COVID-19 Office Precautions


Just to reiterate, the safety of you, your families, and our community is our primary concern. In terms of following government recommendations inside the clinic, we are vigorously disinfecting and cleaning all surfaces that are high touch throughout the day. In addition, we are taking the following actions and ask your help to comply:

  1. We have limited the number of patients that can get adjusted to 10 every 15 minutes. This means that it is essential that you come at your appointment time.
  2. Please do your best when you come into the office to adhere to the social distancing recommendations and stay 6 feet away from each other. Keep your hands clean and keep all personal belongings with you.
  3. We are committed to minimizing the possibility of any exposure by allowing for social distancing by spreading the wobbles out to six feet apart.
  4. Adjustment tables are equipped with bottles of hydrogen peroxide and Thieves to allow you to sanitize the table to your satisfaction before your adjustment.
  5. It is recommended that all patients do extra home rehab at this time, so they do not fall behind on their spinal correction process and maintain their adjustments to support their body’s ability to adapt to stress.

What To Do If You Are Sick

If you are feeling any symptoms, please call us to let us know ahead of time so we can schedule you for a quieter time during the day. We have set up specific times to address the three types of patients we are seeing at this time:

  • immune boosting and wellness
  • at-risk patients.
  • immune compromised patients

Keeping Your Immune System Healthy

Our most immediate concern for you is keeping your IMMUNE SYSTEM healthy. Chiropractic care does this, as well as taking supplements that support your immunity. Your immune system is a living organism. It adapts and responds to input. Simply stated, each time you are exposed to a germ, bacteria, virus, fungus etc. your immune systems grows and creates a natural immunity that works for you when exposed again in the future.

So right now, it is important to strengthen your Immune System to handle any increased demands. This will serve you now and well into your future. I would suggest you get your nervous system checked as much as you can to help your body adapt to the stresses, we are all experiencing.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. We pride ourselves in creating a haven amongst the chaos of everyday life. With all the fear and uncertainty, we welcome you to come in and enjoy the peaceful environment and powerful adjustments even if it’s for a minute or two. We can’t wait to see your smiling faces in the office.

Always remember that love, life, health and happiness come from the inside of you.

Now is a great time to get back on track with care for the entire family. For all of those who could not make it in consistently because of work, travel, school, sports, activities, associations, etc. you have been blessed with the opportunity to focus on you and we are here to help!!