
How to Have More Energy Every Day

I believe that when you live with energy and  you have that energy within you unlocked, every area of your life improves! You have the energy to wake up early and have a healthy breakfast with your kids. Your relationships improve. Your mood improves. You perform better, more calmly and with more clarity in your […]

Discover the Most Important Immune Superfoods

Immune superfoods boost up your immune system and make it as strong as possible. Ready to learn what the most important superfoods are? Watch the video below.

How to Fight Inflammation with Normal Omega 3 Levels

Essential fatty acids are, well, absolutely essential! We measure this for people all the time by looking at the level of Omega 3 versus Omega 6 in the bloodstream. Omega 6 fatty acids come from things like grains, bread, wheat and pasta, and rice. Omega 3 fatty acids, which is the good fat, comes from raw seeds and […]

What’s Wrong with the Standard American Diet?

The Standard American Diet (SAD). I remember learning about the little pyramid when I was in school. Do you remember being taught to eat lots of bread, grains, rice and cereal? The SAD heavily promoted carbs. Nowadays, that’s primarily all GMO and it’s all very toxic.

What are the Health Dangers of Refined Carbohydrates?

We hear conflicting information all the time about which foods are healthy and which are not. What’s the truth? Let’s find out!

10 Reasons to Avoid GMO’s as if Your Life Depends on it

GMO is the acronym for genetically modified organism. In 2012, California created a ballot measure, Proposition 37, to require GMO labeling. This bill was defeated, gaining only 48.6% of voters at the polls. If it had passed, California would have been the first state to require GMO labeling. The fight is still going on with people […]

How Does Sugar Consumption Increase Heart Attack Risk?

What is it that we eat on a regular basis? SUGAR. It seems hard to eat well, especially if you’re busy. If you had 20 minutes to eat, there’s probably ten places here that you can go to and get something in 20 minutes, and they are all unhealthy. It’s unfortunate. You can go to Jack […]

Are You Really What You Eat?

There is an old saying that many of you have probably heard, and I know I have said in the past, “you are what you eat.”  After years of study and research on how the body works I now know that is NOT TRUE. Remember, your body is more sophisticated than a simple closed system […]

Can Low Omega 3 Blood Levels Increase Risk of Heart Attack Death?

If you have low blood levels of Omega 3, you are at enormous giant risk for high blood pressure, cardiac death and heart health problems. Do you know why? Low Omega 3 levels contribute to tons and tons of unregulated inflammation going unchecked throughout your body.

Proven Sources of Tremendous Acidity in Your Diet

Is your body acidic? Do you drink soda on a regular basis? A can of soda has a pH of 2.5. If you put your teeth in soda, they will dissolve. It’s 50,000 times more acidic than neutral which is 7. Even drinking an occasional soda is not a good thing. It takes 30 cups […]

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
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