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Want Results? 2017 Health and Wellness Challenge Workshop

I’m so excited about our health and wellness challenge coming up in just a couple of weeks. In fact, it’s only about a week away, on January 21st. This is going to be the event of the year!

This workshop is the kickoff for health and wellness to make 2017 your healthiest year ever.

  • Do you want to lose weight this year? How much? 5 or 10 pounds…or maybe 50 to 100 pounds?
  • Do you just want to lean up and get back in shape like you were five to 10 years ago or back in college or high school when you were at your best?

We’re gonna show you exactly how to do that!

Do You Have Health Issues? We Have Answers!

Are you struggling with your health in any way?

  • On medications?
  • Having issues with your thyroid?
  • Having headaches?
  • Tired?
  • Not sleeping?
  • Having issues with digestion?

If you’re looking for a natural way to get healthy again without more medications, without surgeries, without the other dangerous interventions that exist out there, the 2017 Health and Wellness Workshop is the event for you.

What Will You Learn At The 2017 Health and Wellness Workshop?

January 21st from 10 AM to 1 PM, we are going to show you exactly what it takes to make 2017 your healthiest year ever. We’re going to go through the protocols for:

  • What to eat
  • How to eat
  • When to eat
  • How to exercise in less than 10 to 12 minutes a day to get in the best shape of your life.

You will learn protocols that are not just for weight loss but for getting healthy. When you implement these protocols you will lose weight as a side effect of getting healthy and gain more lean mass at the same time. You will not sacrifice muscle, you will build muscle while burning fat, getting energy back, getting vitality back, and getting your focus back.

You will also learn how to cleanse out all the toxicity from the holidays and from last year. If you follow this plan, you won’t just get temporary results. You will get long term results because this is a plan you can follow month after month, and year after year.

Join Us On This Health and Wellness Journey

Health is not a destination, it’s a journey. If you want to make 2017 your healthiest year ever, you have to understand the protocols of getting well again, of getting to the cause of problems, and applying the five essentials of Max Living. When you take these steps, you will lose weight and get healthy, get off medications, and get back to living your life the way you deserve to.

Save the date right now. January 21st. We’ll see you there.


Community Education Events

Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, we hope you enjoyed this short clip about reaching your health goals. At the full Weight Loss Challenge event, Dr. Tim Smith from New Life Chiropractic in Rocklin will teach:

  • How to unlock the real key to weight loss: hormones.
  • How to get your dream body in only 12 minutes a day.
  • How to find the nutrition plan that will help you lose weight without depriving you.

You will also get the opportunity to join the 20 in 30 Weight Loss Challenge.

During the community education events, Dr. Tim sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way. Enjoy the clips of previous events here.